42.8% of healthcare patients feel that their valuable insights and ideas for improving healthcare are being disregarded.

(source: health.gov)

Don't let this continue to be the case. It's time to build a better system that truly values and incorporates patient input. At Imagine Deliver, we're flipping the script on healthcare. We believe in the power of patients and caregivers to design healthcare that's truly personalized and impactful. 

Our new Healthcare Genius Guide: Patient Insights for Reimagined Care, is a powerful resource that unveils the hidden potential of patient-centered design and provides practical strategies to overcome the common pitfalls that plague healthcare systems. We share how our User as Designer® model transforms healthcare — we co-create solutions with patients, not just for them. By tapping into their insights and experiences, we support healthcare that's dignified, inclusive, and respectful. 

Don't let your patients' voices go unheard any longer. Download our Healthcare Genius Guide now and join the movement toward a healthcare system that truly listens, cares, and delivers.

Relationships are the foundation of our work. We value the information you share with us and promise to never share it with anyone outside of Imagine Deliver.